Host Reed Galen is joined by Lincoln Project Senior Advisors Trygve Olson and Jeff Timmer to look back on where our nation was on January 6, 2021 and where we are today, exactly two years later. Will we have a Speaker of the House before the first week of the 188th Congress is over? Will members of the pro-democracy coalition finally start to play the game they’re in rather than the game they know? And what are the latest dynamics in Trumpâs 2024 run? Plus, we look ahead to what groundwork needs to be laid in 2023. If youâd like to connect with The Lincoln Project, send an email to
Les Super-Influenceurs de la Tech : Top 10 et Tendances en France
La MontĂ©e en Puissance des Super-Influenceurs dans la Tech Lâunivers technologique continue de se mĂ©tamorphoser,...
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