Uncategorized Articles

Les frais de livraison des livres seront de 3 euros à partir d’octobre

Les librairies et les géants de l’e-commerce désormais sur un pied d’égalité ? Le 4 avril, la ministre de la Culture, Rima Abdul Malak, et le ministre de l’Économie et des Finances, Bruno Le Maire, ont cosigné un arrêté sur la tarification minimum de la livraison de...

The Biden, Soros, Ukraine Connection (Ep 1931)

In this episode, I address the shocking connections between the Biden documents scandal, the Russia hoax, the impeachment hoax, Ukraine and George Soros.  News Picks: An older, but important, piece about Soros and Ukraine. Biden Attorney Interviewed By Feds In Docs...

It Matters Which Rubbing Alcohol You Use for Disinfecting

Stronger is better, right? Concentrated dish soap degreases better. Higher proof rum will get you drunk faster. You even scoop your ice cream from the part of the tub with the most fudge and nuts. But when it comes to rubbing alcohol, higher concentrations aren’t...

13 Ways to Get Weird With Pickles

Pickles are polarizing. Even people who like vinegar and cucumbers sometimes struggle to eat them. I’m not one of those people. I love pickles and pickled things, but the cucumber pickle will forever be my favorite. Whether they’re subtly tangy, super sour, sweet, or...